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The programme for the conference, which is sponsored by the Antiques Trade Gazette, is scheduled to include:
• a study afternoon at the Broadfield House Glass Museum, Stourbridge, incorporating a talk, a tour and a hands-on session;
• an update on UK legislation coming into force in 2003;
• a talk on treen, with examples; and
• a visit to country houses with a possible study session on oak furniture.

The conference hotel is the Perry Hall Ramada Jarvis, Bromsgrove, former home of the poet A.E. Housman.

The gala dinner on Saturday night will be at Ragley Hall, Alcester – a Palladian house designed by Robert Hooke in 1680, a polymath, President of the Royal Society and rival to Sir Isaac Newton.

Those interested in booking places for the conference should contact the faculty on 020 7334 3735.