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For these multilayered one-off pieces Kelly uses recycled fabric, string, paper and ephemera, with collage, stitch and photographic techniques to create a range of work, framed and free-hanging.

Her commissions come via advertising, her website and word of mouth. In 2010, a commission by the Archdiocese of Southwark in London was presented to Pope Benedict XVI and is now in the Vatican collection in Rome.

One of her most recent pieces was for a Romanian/French family living in London using fabrics supplied from relatives in Romania and France. Kelly’s work starts at around £40 for a small piece up to £950 for a one metre-plus size.

She is the author of a number of books on textiles with her latest, Folk Art Textiles (Batsford), due to be published next year. Kelly exhibits at specialist textiles events in Canada, Australia and across the UK and has worked with the RSPB in both the UK and Canada.

