Alfred Wallis fakes have been known to have come to the market.

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On page 65 of the same issue you carry a paid advertisement for paintings ‘in the style of Alfred Wallis’. Should the ATG accept copy for this class of goods which, after a generation or so, might be confused with the real article?

Geoff Preece


ATG publishing director Matt Ball replies: ATG does not condone fakery. Max Wildman, the artist who booked the classified advertisement, is very clear on his website that his paintings are in the style of Wallis.

They are not advertised for sale on the website as items to be passed off as the real thing and we invite Wallis experts to tell us if they think they would ever be confused by them. Given that Mr Wildman signs and dates his paintings to the verso, we think it rather unlikely that anyone in a generation or two will be confused either.

That said, we do agree that the wording of this classified advertisement could have been clearer.