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Eugène Delacroix painted the chapel murals, while the giant shell fonts were a gift from the Venetian Republic to King François I (1494-1547). The vast church’s impressive height of 390ft (120m) creates equally impressive acoustics for the 18th century and later organ, considered one of the finest in France.

If you are marvelling at the church between Wednesday, June 14, and Monday, June 26, then a bonus will be the 100-dealer antiques fair held in front at the Place St Sulpice between these dates.

Quite a number of the dealers who stand at Paris’ biannual Foire de Chatou only exhibit at that event and at the St Sulpice antiques fair.

Organised by the JGO (Joël Garcia Organisation), it runs daily from 11am-7pm and the nearest Metros are St Sulpice and Odéon.